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Meeting the Moment:  Using AI for Teaching and Learning

Meeting the Moment:  Using AI for Teaching and Learning In-Person

Join us for keynote and pre-keynote sessions for the upcoming Teaching and Learning Symposium!

Pre-Keynote Presentation | 9:00 am-10:00 am

Catherine R. Lucey, MD, MACP, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, UCSF

The pre-keynote session will focus on the latest trends impacting the education community at our university. This session will provide an overview of key developments, such as the integration of technology in the classroom, the rise of remote and hybrid learning models, and the increasing importance of digital literacy. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities these trends present and share how our institution is actively supporting faculty in navigating these changes. Attendees will learn about new resources, initiatives, and collaborative efforts designed to equip educators with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in this evolving educational landscape.

Keynote Presentation | 10:00am - 12:00pm

C. Edward Watson, Ph.D., Vice President for Digital Innovation with the American Association of Colleges and Universities

Generative AI tools have had an astonishingly quick impact on the ways we learn, work, think, and create. While higher education’s initial response was to develop strategies to diminish AI’s influence in the classroom, it is now clear that AI competencies and literacies must be embraced as essential learning for most colleges and universities. These responses and realities create a challenging tension that higher education must work to resolve.

Drawing from the presenter’s new book, Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), this presentation and discussion will detail the challenges and opportunities that have emerged for higher education, especially in terms of pedagogical practice and student engagement. The core focus of this keynote will be on concrete approaches and strategies higher education can adopt, both within the classroom and across larger curricular structures, to best prepare students for the life that awaits them after graduation. It will also detail how faculty can leverage AI to both improve teaching and save time.

Seats are limited for this in-person session of the Teaching and Learning Symposium. Register now to secure your spot and ensure you don’t miss out on this valuable event!

Who Should Join?

The Symposium is intended for UCSF faculty and anyone supporting academic programs at UCSF.


UCSF welcomes people with disabilities to our events and programs. To request reasonable accommodation, please contact Lisa Leiva by emailing Lisa.Leiva@ucsf.edu, as soon as possible.

Monday, Aug 26 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Genentech Hall - Byers Auditorium
Mission Bay
  Educational Technology  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Lisa Leiva
Lisa Leiva

Lisa is Head of Instructional Design and has over 20 years of experience working with UCSF faculty to enhance learning experiences.