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Bay Area Open Science Group - Improving Science Communication In-Person

Join us as we get together virtually with colleagues at Stanford and Berkeley to hear from Milo Johnson, a postdoc at UC Berkeley. The linear format of scientific papers is an entrenched, constrained result of history that holds back efficient and effective transmission of information between scientists. Science requires depth, but the reality is that the majority of readers don’t care about the majority of things in a paper. And we know it! At conferences, scientists give 5-minute talks at poster sessions that effectively communicate their work to 95% of their audience, and the other 5% can ask follow-up questions about the details. Can we design a way to write scientific content in a similar way, such that the details are accessible behind a concise narrative? Milo will present this idea along with some preliminary technical explorations, and invite y'all to brainstorm with him about how we can make tools to improve communication between scientists!

The Bay Area Open Science Group is intended to bring together students, faculty, and staff from the Stanford, UCSF, and Berkeley community to learn about open science, discuss the application of open science practices in a research context, and meet other members of the community who are interested in (or already are) incorporating open science practices into their work. Learn more about the group and connect with us on our website.


Register for this event via Zoom: https://ucsf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvfuCuqzsiGdNZuM9yl0g8tLAwlOjFAcpW 


Related LibGuide: Reproducible Data Management by Ariel Deardorff

Tuesday, Mar 22 2022
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
  Data Science > Data Management     Data Science     Scholarly Communication     ZSFG  

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ariel Deardorff
Ariel Deardorff

Data Services Librarian
