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Reproducibility Workshop Series: Data Publishing In-Person


Research data is increasingly valued as a necessary component of reproducible and open science. Initiatives focused on the usability of data like “FAIR”, coupled with mandates from funders and publishers that require data to be openly accessible, increase the need for a data savvy research workforce. This workshop will focus on understanding the value and need to publish research data and how and where to publish data in a usable way that allows for reproducibility and transparency that advances scientific discovery. Please register below.

Learning Objectives 

By the end of this workshop, learners should be able to

  • Describe the value and need to publish research data openly
  • Utilize UCSF (and global) data publishing resource: Dryad


Daniella Lowenberg, California Digital Library

Instructor Bio

Daniella has a background in Microbiology. After leaving the lab, she was a Publications Manager at PLOS ONE where she implemented and oversaw the PLOS Data Policy. For the last three years, Daniella has been a data publishing and data metrics product manager at California Digital Library, within the University of California, focusing on cross-organizational and global efforts in open research data practices. She is currently the Product Manager for Dryad and project lead for the Sloan Foundation funded Make Data Count initiative.


This workshop is part of a series on Biomedical Reproducibility. Other workshops in this series include:

Thursday, Nov 7 2019
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Mission Hall 1400
Mission Bay
  Data Science     Data Science > Data Management     Open Access  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ariel Deardorff
Ariel Deardorff

Data Services Librarian
